Data is a key part of every business and/or organization and it’s essential that everyone knows how to present data to their clients or stakeholders for better understanding and decision-making. Businesses often have data that can be presented in different ways, but if it’s not presented correctly then it’s not presented at all. In this[...]
Virtual reality (VR) can be used for a lot of things ranging from gaming to medical therapy. After all, the way we perceive the world affects the way we react to it. One particular type of therapy that has potential for growth in the coming years is VR therapy. In this article, we will look[...]
Businesses across all sectors generate large pools of data in different ways and from various sources. These data may be statistics, trends derived from operation processes and/or sales, customer habits, etc., which when collected, are in raw form that require processing to become meaningful information. That is where data analytics comes in. What is data[...]
What is Africa’s Public Health Network (APHeN)? Africa’s Public Health Network (APHeN) was the name that was given to a virtual community of public health professionals, researchers, and public health enthusiasts in Africa. The community was founded in 2018 to facilitate open discussions on public health topics, and to promote collaborations and networking among public[...]
What is the District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2)? DHIS2 is a free, open-source software platform for collecting, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. The DHIS2 lets you manage and analyze aggregate and individual-level data with a flexible data model. It includes advanced features for dynamic data visualization, like maps, charts, pivot tables and dashboards, as[...]
Data is defined as a collection of discrete values that convey information describing quality, quantity, facts, statistics, and other basic units of meaning. It may represent abstract ideas or concrete measurements. Data is a very important aspect of scientific research, finance, and virtually every human organizational activity mainly because it is processed into information that[...]
MedInstance is a hosting platform that offers users a way to rapidly set up and run electronic medical record (EMR) systems. It integrates all the necessary components including customizable dashboards, scorecards, patient records, reminders, and alerts in one place. The interface and software were built specifically for this purpose so that users won’t have to[...]
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is the possibility for all individuals to access quality healthcare at an affordable cost and prevent financial hardships due to expenditure on healthcare services. Currently, a lot of African countries have introduced Universal Health Insurance (UHI) programs to promote UHC. These programs cover a portion or all risks of incurring medical[...]
According to Ritgak Tilley-Gyado, a physician and anthropologist, solving our region’s biggest health challenges can only be achieved by innovative African-led solutions, which combine global and local frameworks. This rings true because with Africa emerging as the breeding ground for innovative digital health solutions, some of its most significant health challenges are reducing significantly (Sunny[...]
Over the last decade, there has been an increased investment in digitizing health care. This is seen in the increased use of mobile devices and web platforms for data collection, or a systems-wide digitization approach where health care workers are using mobile devices to deliver services. Digital technology usage can be seen today at all[...]