Improve patient experience. Capture patient health information while staying engaged during a hospital visit.
Are you an independent practitioner with a medical practice that consists of a small number of staff and a limited patient base? Then SmartaCare is right for you.
▪ SmartaCare will digitize your processes and help reduce the burden of running your practice effectively.
▪ SmartaCare will support you in your quest to grow your practice. The platform will also ensure your staff is more productive.
Is your medical practice a group practice with more than one physician and a medium-large patient base? If yes, SmartaCare is the right EMR for you.
SmartaCare will help increase the effectiveness of all resident physicians by tracking their activities.
Tracking of patient details will be a lot easier and faster.
You can bring up all previous histories of a patient in a single search.
Other administrative tasks such as billing and stock management will be better supported.
▪ Smartacare is a flexible tool that can be easily customized to suit project- specific requirements.
We are always available via email, chat and phone call.
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