The most popular form of data collection is paper-based, but is it the most effective? Traditionally, collecting data for a research study has always been a time-consuming and tedious task, especially when using paper-based tools. Paper-based tools are vulnerable to loss, damage and error. Given that it is also not cost-effective, its management and analysis can be highly labor intensive and time consuming.

On the other hand, Datakojo is a web-based, mobile-enabled platform for data collection and management aimed at tackling all the drawbacks associated with paper-based data collection tools. It is simple, yet sophisticated. Datakojo was created to eradicate the challenges surrounding the collection and analysis of primary data. It was built with features and capabilities that make collection and management of data easier, faster and more reliable. Some of the features include:

  • Dynamic form builder
  • Sound data security measures
  • Offline work capabilities
  • Instant analysis and feedback
  • DHIS2 integration
  • Data visualization and report functionalities

These features proffer solutions to a number of issues that arise when conducting a paper-based survey. 

Datakojo makes data collection and management for you and your organization easier, more reliable, and cost-effective, with its unique features. For your data collection activity, Datakojo is the ideal option.

So what are you waiting for? Throw out those papers, visit, or get the mobile app from Google playstore and take the next big step towards a simpler, more accurate research life!